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Financial Partnership

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Second Level Ministry serves the Lord our God through the partnership with those who pray and financially give. 

In addition to discipleship and mentoring that is focused on personal care, we offer online follow, spiritual encouragement, and other ministry opportunities.  Also, we provide Bibles and useful resources. Mentorship Conference as a training, retreat, seminars, and other activities are ongoing.

It all depends on God’s guidance and your support. “The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few.” Please pray for the Lord’s guidance in this ministry. 

Through your partnership, we can support more people’s spiritual growth. If you are led to be partnering with us, please use the options below.

① Mailing a check to the U.S address below Second Level
2841 Greystone Ln
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
② Using a bank within JapanYUUCHO BANK
KIGOU 14160 / BANGO 71120121

4 3 8 2 9 5 1
③ Zelle (bank transfer)
Follow the steps on your online banking. No fee is applied for the Zelle service.
Please use this e-mail address to send:
③ Credit Card / Online Giving

General Ministry Operation

Thank you for your partnership.

Your contribution is carefully used to promote discipleship and make disciple makers. Second Level Ministry is 501(c)(3)tax-exempt organization. All gifts are tax deductible.  

Staff Support
Matt Barany (National Director of Mobilization)
Tim and Sarah Ingle (Media Advisor)
Yumi Ikeda (Soul Care Director) / Soul Care Fund

Jose and Miki Medina (Japanese Community Coordinator)
Paul (Kyunghwan) Lim (Japanese Community Coordinator)
Intern Support
Melannie Field (Internship Fund)
Eriko Matsunaga (Internship Fund)
Mission Trip Support
Matthew Yoder – Mission Trip Fund
Conner Brake – Mission Trip Fund
Heather Brake – Mission Trip Fund
Other Fund
Steve LaVoie (Administration Assistant)
Wakako Minamoto (Associate Staff)
Benevolent Fund
Mentorship Conference Scholarship
Mission Trip General Fund
Office Operational Fund
Soul Care Fund

” Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (Ⅱ Corinthians 9:6-7 )